Brand Management
Mr. DeFrank works with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to help secure rights to and prevent counterfeiting of the intellectual property of our clients. We work hard from the initial concept, to protect your intellectual property and your most prized brands. We have many years of experience combatting piracy, counterfeiting, and IP theft throughout the United States and the world. IP theft and counterfeiting could have an extremely negative impact on your business. We work with our clients using a unique approach to create an effective brand protection system that should solve all these problems for you.In today’s world your intellectual property is very vulnerable to counterfeiting, piracy, and theft. We help you to detect these holes in your intellectual property and put a stop to those individuals that are trying to cause harm to you and your business. To achieve effective IP enforcement actions, we organize and manage the registration and filing of design patents, copyrights and trademarks. Over the years we have helped numerous brand owners recoup significant financial damages with the help of our enforcement actions. Our litigation targeting perpetual counterfeiters has resulted in the destruction and confiscation of many counterfeit products.
We design custom programs to fit your needs, whether to protect a global brand or to thwart counterfeiters in a particular location of the world. These custom programs fit your business objectives and your individual business needs. We work with a group of intellectual property enforcement professionals that have international experience. We will protect your valuable brands and IP rights, working with government officials and local and international IP enforcement organizations.
Below are just some of the regulatory and law enforcement agencies that we have working relationships with: Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC), and the National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center (IPR Center). We also have working relationships with all the major anti-counterfeiting groups including: International Trademark Association (INTA), Electronic Retailer's Association (ERA), and the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC) just to name a few.